

The program is safe, but that is easy for me to say. Its fully coded in batch and vbscript wich can be writen from notepad. Feel free to open the script up and look at it, i have nothing to hide so go and have a peak if you want. There are 3 virus popups in the current version(3.6). These  are caused for different reasons the first is from windows because its not a native program and the second has the same reason. The third is by my own anti virus because its a script thats from the internet so it isnt hapy either.

Personaly i have had some errors from my antivirus wich is a bit of a problem but i have if you happen to run into some issues with your anti virus or dont trust it then add me on discord(smvd#4197) or incase you dont have it send me a email at (this will take longer to respond).


No, just no. Its written in a batch file and vbscript meaning it will be ran in the commandprompt wich your phone doesnt have. So no you cant use it on mobile nor will i make a mobile version simply due to that fact that mobile is in a entire new type of coding.

How to download: 3.7 and later

  • Press the button of the version you want
  • Press the download button in the top right
  • Move to your Download folder
  • Hit RMB on the file
  • Press extract all
  • Delete the zip version
  • Run "Installer"
  • Follow the instructions in the "Eclips-Terminal-info"

How to download: 3.6

  • Press the button of the version you want
  • Press the download button in the top right
  • Move to your Download folder
  • Hit RMB on the file
  • Press extract all
  • Delete the zip version
  • Run "Installer"
  • You wil get another virus warning
  • Hit "More info"
  • Press "Run anyway"
  • If the "CMD" window stays open close it
  • Move the file "Eclips-Terminal.bat" to the desktop
  • Delete the folder called "Eclips-Terminal v?.?(your version)"
  • Run "Eclips-Terminal.bat"
  • You will get a virus warning
  • Hit "More info"
  • Press "Run anyway"
  • You will get a virus warning
  • Un-check the box "Always show this warning"
  • Press "continue"
  • Your done

How to download: 3.5

  • Press to button of the version you want
  • Press the download button in the top right
  • Head to your download folder
  • Move the file to the place you want to keep it
  • Un-zip the file
  • Delete the zipped version
  • Open the folder
  • Read the file called "!!Please Read!!"
  • Open the folder called "Code"
  • Press RMB on the file called "Eclips-Terminal-run"
  • Hit create shortcut
  • Move the file called "Eclips-Terminal-run - Shortcut" to your desktop
  • Optional: Change the name of the shortcut
  • Optional: Change the shortcut icon to the one called "LOGO for shortcut"
  • Run the shortcut and you are done

How to download: 3.0 to 3.4

  • Press the button of the version you want
  • Head to your download folder
  • Move the file to the place you want to keep it
  • Un-zip the file
  • Delete the zipped version
  • Open the folder
  • Read the file called "!!Please Read!!"
  • Open the folder called "Code"
  • Press RMB on the file called "Eclips-Terminal-run"
  • Hit create shortcut
  • Move the file called "Eclips-Terminal-run - Shortcut" to your desktop
  • Optional: Change the name of the shortcut
  • Optional: Change the shortcut icon to the one called "LOGO for shortcut"
  • Run the shortcut and you are done

How to download: 2.0 to 2.2

Downloading the newer versions is even simpler:

  • Press the button of the version you wish(2.0 or up)
  • find the file on your PC
  • extract the file
  • run the program

How to download: 1.8 or less

Downloading the tool is very simple:

  • Press the button of the version you like (i suggest the latest)
  • Press the dowload button in the top left of the google drive file
  • Find the file on your PC
  • Right click on the file and press extract
  • Simply run the program and you are done
